Newsletter Archive
Fact Sheet: FMLA in 2025 – What You Need to Know
Navigating the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in today’s workplace can be challenging, particularly with evolving remote work policies and varying state programs. This guide provides an updated overview of FMLA in 2025 and practical solutions for managing workforce needs during employee leave.
(Never)Mind the Resume Gap
Of course you can ask about a resume gap – it's not technically illegal - but the cons may outweigh the pros. Skip the risk: A staffing partner eliminates this sticky wicket for you - will only refer vetted, qualified candidates.
Worker Misclassification: New Independent Contractor Risks – And Opportunities – For Your Company
The DOL’s revised interpretation of the FLSA independent contractor provision "levels the playing field for workers" – but does it create new risks for your business? Get the facts about worker misclassification and protect your company.
Are You Ready for the EEOC's New Enforcement Goals?
The EEOC has set forth 6 new priorities guiding its work through 2027. What are they - and how will they impact your work?
An Ounce of Prevention: Prepping for a DOL Audit
A Department of Labor audit can feel harrowing for the unprepared. By following several defined steps, however, a company can prepare for federal inquiries into its FLSA, FMLA, or other labor law compliance efforts. A DOL audit can happen at a moment’s notice, so it’s important to ensure that daily work complies with federal expectations.